Monday, September 22, 2014

Photos Rachel- Sept. 22, 2014-Londrina

Hey Everyone! 

Okay so this week was crazy! I didn't stay in my own area very much. We had to do lots of splits because this coming week will be MISSION TOUR!!!!! So we had to cram a lot of stuff in this week. We went to a city called Arapongas. It is about an hour away. I dont know why but Sister Sedgwick and I were soooooo car sick on the bus. We arrived and had to sit with our heads between our knees for like 15 minutes. It was funny at the same time that it was annoying. 

We stayed there for two day because there are 2 companionships there. It is such a great area! Everyone we talked to were really open and willing to hear us. They baptized 3 people this week! We followed up and help one of their investigators. She is incredible! When we arrived she got all serious and said "I only have one big problem with this church..." i got all nervous...."When I leave church on sunday my face hurts because I smile so much!!!!" SO COOL! She is an eleito! (Golden). It is awesome to visit the other areas and work with so many sisters. 

My testimony is really strengthened and I am learning so much. Spiritually I am feeling great. Physically I am almost dead! I am soooo exhausted. I have never felt so tired my life. When we do splits we have to work our 110% to be able to help them. When we arrive in our own area we have to try and do the same but it seems really dificult these day because it apears that Londrina caught a discouraged bug. We seem to be suffering! Not just our area but the two zones! It seems like no one wants to hear us and when they do they dont progress. I think that this week with the mission tour we will be able to recharge our batteries with a new hope and be able to accelerate a little better the work here. (Sorry if the grammer is wrong here, I keep leaning to Sister Sedgwick to help me remember how to say things in English haha) 

We also went to Vivi Xavier! I was able to see João and we took him to his interview with the LD there. He is getting baptized this week! I am very very happy for him! He was a very special investigator of ours. 

My Birthday was great. I was in Arapongas. Sister Sedgwick made me a cake! Then i got home and Sister Nacsimento had made another one! Then on Sister Sedgwicks birthday the members invited us to FHE which was also a suprise birthday party for us! It was so kind. 

Sunday I talked in Church about magnifiying our callings. It is neat because now I have no problem speaking in church, including in Portuguese. It's a miracle! haha. We had 3 investigators at church. two were Arí and Marinalva. We hope that they will be baptized this weekend. They are so great! We love them! We will have family home evening in their home tonight! 

Well, I have to go. We need to catch a bus to the city center here soon. Love you all. Have a great week!!!! 

Love Sister Edwards

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