Its going to be really fun. This area has had tons of success in the past. I am excited to get going and have lots of new expereinces.
I am sad to be leaving Assis. Six months in Maringá and 6 months in Assis. I have made lasting friendships and have several special memories in these areas. Both feel like home. I am also sad to be leaving my companion Sister Buás. We learned and grew so much together. She is staying here in Assis. Her companion is coming today and there will also be another companionship coming to split the area! Thank goodness! This area is huge! It is more than 5 cities! We need the help. The members are excited to have 4 sisters again.
This week we had 2 baptisms! Thayane and Rafaela. Rafaela is Pedro's little sister and Thaytane is the daughter of Rosilene who is the less active that we found knocking doors. The baptisms were great. All the YW attended and sang, and the YW presidency spoke and presented Personal Progress and For the Strength of Youth. The girls were confirmed in Sacrament meeting on Sunday.
It was great! Both smiling happily. They are both the most shy I have ever seen in my life! It was funny to hear about the interview with the Elder because he said that he couldnt get them to look at him. But even timid they were baptized and even bore quick simple heartfelt testimonies. They are so cute. Pedro was able to baptize his sister and Antonio who is actually Rosilene's and Thatyane's neighbor, baptized Thaytane. It is so neat to see our recent converts teaching and baptizing others into the true church of Christ. It reeally shows their conversion. Mayara helped us a ton to teach these girls.
We had our Zone conference with The Assistants and President and Sister Genaro. It was incredible. I sure do love them! I learned a ton! At one point during the training President Genaro asked me and Sister Buás to teach all the missionaries how to help a person who doesn't believe in God. I was soooo nervous! There were almost 50, maybe more, missionaries there, all looking at me! But it was neat because I said a quick prayer to help me calm down and I was able to teach as if it was a person in our neighborhood-naturally. And Sis Buás, who is so new, did a great job!
President Genaro said that he really liked our example. I was grateful for the Spirit who guided us in that moment. I have a testimony that the Spirit truly guides and orients us.
This week I read the talk from conference of L. Tom Perry. I LOVE it. I invite you to study it. The comparison that he makes is so cool, I never thought this way. And I really like the Scripture he used, James 3:3. I am sharing it with everyone and explaining how the spirit is our guide WHEN we obey. Obedience is essential.
Cool news! The Church thought that we would have difficulties baptising in Brasil during the World Cup. But.... we had the opposite happen. Our mission broke a record and we had more 203 baptisms in the month of July. cool huh?! 3 were ours here in Assis:) Our mission might be in the church magazines or church news. If so, watch for us!
Last night, all of my recent converts and a few members had a going away party for me. They made a suprise video of pictures, music and quotes of my time here in Assis! They all wrote special poems and notes to me and we did a secret friend gift exchange. I was totally suprised. I felt sooo loved.
I also realized even more how much I love each of those people. It was such a blessing and privilege to teach them, and I feel, as they were changing, I too was learning and growing with them. Roberto, Sueli, Antonio, Pedro, Claudio, Marcio, Mayara, Thaytane and Rafaela have a special place in my heart.
This week our other investigator Tauan will be baptized. He is very excited and faithful. He and his family have been investigating the church and we have been able to have some neat experiences with them. I cant wait to see the pictures of his baptism! :)
WELLLL, our apt looks like a tornado passed though with all the cleaning and packing we have been doing. I need to go finish now. I love you all and am praying for you. Thank you for the emails of love and support. I look forward to hear more about your summer vacations:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! I love you!!!
Have a good week!
Love, Sister Edwards
Baptism of Thaytane e Rafaela
The one phone that made alllll the calls possible.
Best District Ever. ;)
Sister Sedgwick who trained Rachel, Sister Buás who Rachel trained. They refer to each other as Grandmother, Mother, Daughter.
Teaching Tauan Daizi Antonio Eduardo w Mayara Miria Sara
Studying with Antonio and Miria
Vou ter muito saudade de Assis!
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