Oi Family and Friends!
This has been another wonderfully busy week! It rained, dumping buckets at the beginning of the week and today is extremely HOT! I am not looking forward to winter.... yikes. Chirstmas will be strange with hot waether.
We are teaching a "Jessica" and a "Rebecca" kinda cool!!! I have yet to meet a Jeffrey and Ryan here in Brasil. This week we have Zone Conference and Stake Conference. Zone Conference was incredible. I love my mission President and his Wife. They are the most loving, enthusiastic, and service oriented people. They know each of us by name and you can feel their love when they are around. The Assistants gave an awesome training on working with members. We have a lot of great plans for activites in helping members practice teaching using 'Preach my Gospel.'
Our Mission President talked to us a lot about revelation and change. The church has 2 constants: 1. The Doctrine and 2. Changes. (We are always changing to be better than before). The Doctrine and Teaching never change, though.
One change we are implementing that they talked about also in the Provo MTC when I was there...is a backpack. They dont want missionaries to use backpacks any more. It is not professional and looks like a student. What can we do but smile and obey? :) It was changed for a reason. Sister Sedgwick and I are buying new bags today!
He taught us about batismal services and how they should be held. Baptism is a sacred ordinance not an event. People here, like the US, too, like to have cake and food and gifts and sometimes even have a little party at their home afterwards. This is not bad, but it also not needed, he told us. For example: Do we eat cake and celebrate after we take the Sacrament? Baptism, like the Sacrament, is a sacred ordinace. We are changing a few things to the service, not the actual baptism, but the service to imply the scaredness and importance of this covenant.
We also watched 17 miracles. It was a tender moment to be feeling the spirit so strong and then turn around and see the same thing with all the other Elders and Sisters. I am so grateful for the Pioneers and all they suffered for us today. I also know that we are pioneers in our day. Leonardo is a pioneer in his family, blazing a trail for his prosperity to follow.
It is amazing to see what the Gospel can do. I love this Gospel with all my heart! I love being a missionary! I know this church is true. I also know that the Gift of Tongues is real. Without it I would still be running around like a 'chicken with its head cut off' here. I can inderstand just about everything now and can speak so much more! It is amazing! I am so grateful!!!
Love you all. Thank for the love and support!
Have a miracles filled week!
Love Sister Rachel Edwards