Monday, October 13, 2014

Oct. 13, 2014- Londrina

Hello Everyone!
I wish I had cooler things to report this week. Lets start with the good stuff. I decided that I'll share the bad news because it is good news in the end:) Strarting from the top. 

We made it to our new house in Ouro Branco tuesday night after spending allll day in the bus station helping all the missionaries be transferred. It was long and tiring and crazy. The secretaries are new and so it was an... adventure. But everything ended well and everyone got to their areas. That night we did the big trade with the elders and switched areas. We were so tired. So were they, since they were also in the Rodoviaria with us. It was funny because we took the Zone leaders to our house to show them where it is and when they went in apparently they thought it was super clean and that is smelled good too (Like cleaner, ya know) and so they called the other Elders that were still in ouro branco to tell them to spray something smelly before we got there. When we got to the house the whole house smelled like thick man cologne! It was really funny. But they left peanut butter and maple syrup in the house so we were pleased.
Okay so then the next day we hit the road in search for new investigators in our new area. I dont think I have ever been so tired in my life! We walked sooooooo faaaaar! FAAAAR FAAAAAAR away! We visited a family of natives. To get to their 'land' was quite an adventure! I was exhausted and began to feel sick. We made it home that night. The next day i woke up with lots of body aches and a horrible head ache. Wanting to work we headed to our dictrict meeting but I was loosing focus of everything. It also has started to heat up a ton! So it wasnt helping. 

After lunch, (the little that I tried to eat) I was barely walking and so we headed to the nearest clinic in our neighborhood. Sadly Brasil doesnt have the best medical system. We went to a free little public clinic. I waited for about 2 hours to be seen and finally a Columbian traveling doctor lady saw me. It turned out that I had a throat infection that was spreading to my blood and making me more ill. She ordered me to get an injection... yep in the place where noooo one likes it! It was not pleasant at alllllll. Then prescribed me to a medicine. (Which ended up being the wrong medication)

It was such a miracle when we left the clinic, because I was still in my clouded sick world, and we would have to walk home in the heat. But as we stopped to ask for directions a family helped us and gave us a ride home. It was such a tender mercy. 

The next day we tried to go to work but I got a migrane! The worse I have ever had in my life. I was not well and not able to even talk,  to see, or anything. So we stopped my a brothers house. He gave me a blessing.

I ended up in the hospital that night until really late throwing up really sick. Finally we were able to come home and all saturday I was bed ridden. Litterly. I dont think I have even felt so weak in my life. I couldnt even get out of be to go to the bathroom! But I rested allll day. The doctor in the hospital was really upset with the other doctor who gave the injection because she had done everything wrong and unnecessary. That is why i got worse the next day. He hooked me up to meds int he hospital and gave me antibiotics that i am taking until now. 

Sunday I was able to go to church to take the sacrament and bear my testimony. I actually was able to work too and we met a great family. Today I am great! I am back in the game and doing much much better! I feel like myself again. 

We were able to clean up and organize our house better and I think that now that everything is in order, health and house and area book we are finally ready to get going in this area! I only have 5 more weeks. I want them to be the best 5 weeks of my mission!! I am so excited to work with Sister VerHoef. She is from Georgia. She is so awesome. We are very close already after this weeks adventures. We will have a great time together. 

Thank you for your prayers! They were definintly heard on my behalf this week and I am very grateful! Love you all! Have a wonderful week!!!!!! Oh yeah! Elder Delgado and comp. went to our area in Antares and baptized Renan yesterday! He is so happy and doing sooo great! I am gratful he was there to be able to help him in the process! The Lord knows us and provides.
Love, Sister Rachel Edwards

Waiting in clinic... Very ill.
Sharing 'love rocks' from Primary! Thank you so much!
Farewell at airport
Sis. Sedgwick returning home
Big hug until Sister Sedgwick and Sister Edwards meet again.
New companion. Sister Verhoef (from Georgia)

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